CoffeeChat – 1-28-2021 Biden and Trans Stuff

We have no list but President Biden continues to make news, so we take on his ideas about the Trans Community.


CoffeeChat – 1-18-2021 The Post Insurrection Podcast

We talk about the CapitOl and the fact that we are not getting water service reliably anymore.  Karen’s Job Hunt has begun.  How Egypt just ain’t for us.  COVID19 is still real and CES happened.


CoffeeChat – 1-4-2021 Hello 2021

So we are starting off 2021 with some laughs and the beginnings of a plan.  Come on this journey with us, it’s going to be a fun ride.


So you want some Merch!?!

Here is where you can get our Merch.  We have multiple shops for you to find designs by each of us.  Have fun browsing and shopping!


The Traveling Farrs Shop

The ProfessorRaptor25 Shop

The LunaWolf66 Shop

The AtrainPhoto Shop


CoffeeChat – 12-25-2020 Off For Christmas

Yup you read that right, we are off for Christmas, in a Muslim country in 2020.  We discuss this phenomenon and much more on this holiday edition of the Coffee Chat.


CoffeeChat 12-18-2020 AaronsGameChat and Mando

Aarons’ Game Chat returns on the CoffeeChat this week and we discuss Mando, Disney and try to forget the week at work.  Enjoy.
