CoffeeChat – Crazy Times, Pregnancy and Parent Questions 3-17-2019

We talk about the week, crazy stuff in the news, and of course your parenting questions.


An interesting question….for “Business People”

So we were talking to a Mexican person and they asked, “Why is it that businesses hire expats, but don’t want to take advantage of their expertise?”  I have asked this  myself.

What do you think?

Why is it that so many are so closed minded while trying to appear open and progressive?


No Podcast but we still Love You.

Since we, or I, feel so bad about not casting the pod today (and Karen even did her hair) we will give you a double dose from the NaPodPoMo  2018.  Enjoy!


Follow the Farrs:

Instagram / Twitter – Traveling Farrs

YouTube / Facebook / Pinterest / iTunes – The Traveling Farrs

Email –

Blog –

Keegan:       Instagram – lunawolf66

Aaron II:      YouTube / Instagram – ProfessorRaptor25

Karen:         Facebook – Karen M. Farr

Aaron:         Instagram – Atrainphoto

Twitter – @Atrain0692

Facebook – https://www.


Right, No Podcast today.

It has been a trying week for The Travelling Farrs so we are taking the week off.  We couldn’t leave you without our melodious voices so we are going to give you two podcast from NaPodPoMo 2018 that are over on the YouTubes but haven’t been put on the Blubrry yet.  So, enjoy and sometime in the future I will tell you why we didn’t cast the pod this week.


Follow the Farrs:

Instagram / Twitter – Traveling Farrs

YouTube / Facebook / Pinterest / iTunes – The Traveling Farrs

Email –

Blog –

Keegan:       Instagram – lunawolf66

Aaron II:      YouTube / Instagram – ProfessorRaptor25

Karen:         Facebook – Karen M. Farr

Aaron:         Instagram – Atrainphoto

Twitter – @Atrain0692

Facebook – https://www.
