Category Archives: Tuskegee

TTFs Podcast 3102024 State of the Union? Really?

So politics is now everywhere as Super Tuesday and the State Of The Union have happened.  We discuss and deal with Court Storming and much more.  We are also joined by The Professor as well.

TTFs Podcast 2/25/2024 Trump For The Blacks

So, we discuss American Politics (by focusing on the MAGA Party, formerly known as the Republican Party) and South Carolina.  We also, take a look at The Superbowl and all of the All Star Games in Pro sports. And, we get an update on what Karen is reading as well. It is a packed show for sure, and of course there is whiskey.

11-26-2023 TTFs Podcast So Many Questions

We have so many questions since we haven’t talked to you for two weeks.  We gotta get caught up for sure.

Coffee Chat 11-13-2022 Alabama 2 Times

So we have been Traveling, and what else would you expect from us?  We have info and stories as usual.  It feels good being back at it again!