Category Archives: Sociology

Coffee Chat 5/13/2021 Jobless, Again

We discuss the process of finding a new job, in the USA, and we get into how living abroad doesn’t seem to matter to Americans or prospective employers. The need for more education, and degrees and how long we may need to stay in the USA.

Coffee Chat – Jobless Yet Again 5-6-2021

We talk about being jobless, shouting out all of the job seeking teachers in the world. We discuss the “teacher shortage” what we have been watching and Karen’s Book Club.

CoffeeChat – 4-29-2021 Fired During Ramadan

Well, the other shoe has dropped and we discuss being jobless, not hiring expats that you can’t afford, our podcast stats, our media empire, and oh yea… Wear Your Damn Masks!  Stay safe people and enjoy the show.

Coffeechat Happy Birthday A2 and CSparks! 4/22/2021

We talk birthday’s, Police Killing black folks, and The Falcon and The Winter Soldier.  We also have Karen’s Book Club and some talk about Investing.

CoffeeChat – 4/1/2021 With Coffee, For the People

Yup, the coffee has returned and A2 and Karen have things on their lists.  Here we go! (Book Club???)